Fortifying individuals, leaders,
teams, and organizations to achieve
their peak performance
Develop mastery of the skills needed to drive individual and collective change to achieve your peak performance
Leadership Programs
Team Development
1-on-1 Coaching
Coach Reed Steele
Reed Steele, the founder of Steele Coaching, believes that if we approach life—all aspects of life—with a mastery-focused mindset, we’d be more productive, more engaged, better leaders, better team players, primed to achieve peak performance, and genuinely much happier and more fulfilled in life.
Reed has nearly 15 years of experience coaching, facilitating, consulting, and guiding individuals, leaders, teams, and organizations to improve performance and well-being. Reed has worked with large, nationwide engineering companies to small 4-person wealth management firms. He’s worked with private companies, public companies, and city governmental organizations. Reed believes that while individuals, leaders, and teams have very different circumstances, they are all trying to achieve their most optimal performance individually and collectively.
Reed’s corporate experience has been in the for-profit industries of publishing and grocery distribution where he has worked with individuals and teams at all levels within organizations to improve organizational health.
Reed holds a Master’s of Science in Clinical Psychology from Florida State University, and completed all doctoral work in Sport & Exercise Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
If Reed is not solving a Rubik’s cube, swimming, playing the guitar, biking, running, or drawing, he’s likely off seeking adventure and fun with his wife, Julie, and their 18-month-old old son, Ezekiel, who reminds them both on a daily basis of the wonders of childhood and curiosity and, most importantly, the incremental developmental process of peak performance that naturally happens when we allow it to.
What if you took the risk and told tell the story you’ve always dreamed of telling? Make the change. Turn your dream into a goal. A BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL.
Finally tell that story…
Steele Coaching Blog
Certifications & Partnerships
CTI Coach Training
Co-Active Professional Coach Training is recognized as the most rigorous professional coach certification program in the industry. As a Co-Active coach, I work with you—”being in action…together”—to expand your sightline, get out of your comfort zone, and grow as a leader. The Co-Active Model is a transformative communication process to help individuals, leaders, and teams build strong, collaborative relationships.
Hogan Personality
A series of personality assessments to assess the bright side (Hogan Personality Inventory), the dark side (Hogan Development Survey), and inside (Motives, Values, & Preferences Inventory) of personality. With individual, executive, and team coaching, the Hogan Personality Assessments aid to improve self-awareness so employees, leaders, and teams will all reach their peak potential
Everything DiSC
Everything DiSC is a personal development tool that measures preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC model. Used in both individual and group settings, clients gain insight into their own preferences and tendencies, learn more about relating to others, and receive actionable strategies to help them improve their interactions, and, ultimately, enhance their performance.
Five Behaviors
Developed with Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors empowers teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and help shape new behaviors—taking your teams and organization to the next level. The Five Behaviors provides personalized insights to create powerful, customized, and authentic team solutions that make lasting and impactful changes
I came. I saw. I conquered. I’m currently sitting on a plane on my way back from Denver to Minneapolis. In May, a client reached out to do a team development session with their senior executive team. At the time, I immediately said…