Stand a Little Bit Taller
I came. I saw. I conquered. I’m currently sitting on a plane on my way back from Denver to Minneapolis. In May, a client reached out to do a team development session with their senior executive team. At the time, I immediately said…
Invest in the Absurd
About 2 months ago, my swim coach came back from Australia proudly sporting a new pair of Budgy Smugglers. I had never heard of the swim suit company before and couldn’t stop laughing when…
We Are At Choice
As you move into this week, I’ll offer you this: “If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life, but the same amount of snow.” Being at choice is a powerful tool. We—you—are at choice!
Green Thumb or Consistency?
In August of 2023, my wife and I bought our first home. This was a momentous occasion as the two of us were used to moving from rental to rental every 2 years or so. Home ownership has been such a wonderful experience—the pride that comes with…
Forward Is A Pace
On Monday, I was out for a run in Dallas, TX. When I’m traveling for work it can get challenging to find a pool. And, that’s what I love about running: all I need is a pair of shoes, some shorts, a t-shirt, and the great outdoors. There really are no excuses. Since September, I've had a heavy focus on swimming. Walking out the hotel door…
Is It Time To Get On Your Back?
We can learn a lot about ourselves—and life—in arenas where we push ourselves physically. Last week Julie asked me, “so, do you get sore from swimming anymore?” “You know, no, I really don’t.” I didn’t think much of it at the time other than…
Getting Back On Track
Phew…this one is a tough one to write. I thought the last blog was hard to get out—this one feels triple the size. Ever feel like that? You take one massive step one day when you’re feeling super motivated and then immediately tell yourself, “I’m back on track!” Then, you wake up the next day…
And That’s All That Matters
My older son, Ezekiel, looked so cool going to daycare today: jeans, his “fast” running shoes, a blue long-sleeve shirt, and a tan long-sleeve shirt tied around his waist. Julie, my wife, added the tan shirt to his wardrobe right before…
A Hummingbird. A Butterfly.
I don’t know what I’m about to write because I still haven’t completely made sense of it. And, maybe that’s why I write—to help me solidify my thinking. We could call this Evoking Transformation because that’s where it all stems from. I could call this Susan Carlisle because she…
Advice We Could All Benefit From
This summer we enrolled our older son, Ezekiel (2.5 years old), in Soccer Shots—"a children’s soccer program with a focus on character development.” Secretly, Julie and I are priming him for the Premier League. Nah, Range resonates with us a bit more. It’s been fun picking him up from daycare on Mondays and asking…
Who Are You Being?
When it comes to your goals, what if what you’re DOING is not all that important? And, what if who you’re BEING is what really matters? Who do you need to be to make your dreams come true?
Does Old You Hold Back New You?
As we develop, we learn ways of being in this world. Often these ways of being, at one point, help us. These ways of being feel safe, feel known, and feel comfortable. Heck, these ways of being got us to where we are, right?!? Why in the world…
I’m Stuck!
Yesterday, I had a completely different blog typed up and ready to publish. Something, though, wasn’t sitting right about it. It felt a bit forced. It didn’t feel all that authentic. In all honesty, this week I’m stuck…
Let Go and Grow
I continue to be more and more fascinated with the creative process. At least to me, it has something to tell us about the goal-chasing process. And, that’s an intriguing idea—that the creative process and the goal-chasing process may share some similarities. Perhaps we need…
Get Uncomfortable—It’s Surprisingly Motivating
Growth—pursuing a goal—is uncomfortable. The good news: you can use that to your advantage. Yes, that’s right! You can use discomfort as motivation.
7 Images That Will Help You Reach All Your Life Goals
What’s an Action Session? An action session is dedicated time and effort to an activity that helps you make progress toward a life goal. In the big scheme of things, an action session is a small commitment…
Building Your String
I’ve been toying with an idea lately—I’ll warn you upfront, though, it’s not rocket science. If you’re looking for rocket science, goals aren’t your place. And, heck, maybe that’s part of the problem—you’re complicating things. Here’s what I’ve been toying with lately…
Your Out Is Always Waiting
At least mine is. This morning I put together a hard workout for a small swim group I’ve joined in White Bear Lake, MN. The details of the workout don’t matter other than knowing that the workout included 5 Rounds of 5 different swimming components. The hard of the workout jumped on for a ride early on. By Round 2, I was ready to quit. By Round 4…
A Journey to 100,000 Words
I’ve opened my big mouth: I’m writing a book! Telling people—a lot of people—is something I firmly believe you should do when you identify a BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL you’re going to pursue. Why? Cuz it makes things get real sweaty…real quick. With each message I received last week…