Advice We Could All Benefit From

This summer we enrolled our older son, Ezekiel (2.5 years old), in Soccer Shots—"a children’s soccer program with a focus on character development.”

Secretly, Julie and I are priming him for the Premier League.

Nah, Range resonates with us a bit more.

It’s been fun picking him up from daycare on Mondays and asking, “Ezekiel, what did you learn from your coach today?”

Week 1…

Flamingo, that’s right.

Ezekiel would run and then stop, spread his arms out, and stand on one leg and say, “Flamingo.”

Then, he’d follow it up with “Control.”

The video that we got was hilarious: imagine a bunch of 2-3 year old kids running around with tiny soccer balls trying to come to a stop with a ball—while looking like a flamingo.

Week after week, Ezekiel keeps adding to his repertoire.

This week, I picked him up and asked the same question:

“Ezekiel, what did you learn from your coach today?”

Every now and then, children say the darnedest things that completely knock me off my feet.

Deadly serious, Ezekiel looks at me and says, “Coach says…

Gosh, couldn’t we all benefit from this bit of advice?!?

Whether it’s chasing after a BIG goal or doing some mundane task, simply putting our best effort forward can lead to such aBIG action.

Caught up in perfectionism?

“Do my BEST!”

Forward motion is better than paralyzation.

Half-assing something?

“Do my BEST!”

Not only is the output better, but you’re going to feel better.

“Do my BEST!”

Day after day.

Week after week.

Month after month.

Year after year.

Doing my BEST!


A Hummingbird. A Butterfly.


Who Are You Being?