An Epilogue: This One Has a Lot of Swear Words
This whole weekly newsletter thing has opened up a lot of unexpected doors for me. Here’s one: the little series I did on 12 Beliefs About Goals—well, I’ve decided to turn it into a book. Yikes! I just said that “out loud”! To a bunch of people. Well, at least I’m holding true to one of my beliefs…
Rise Like the Scots
It’s amazing what having a child will do for your life—and what you’ll discover in the process. I never thought I would find myself at—or excited about going to—a junior varsity ice hockey game. Yet, last night…
12 Beliefs About Goals: Part III
I’ll tell you my least favorite goal: “I want to lose ___ pounds.” It’s empty. It’s boring. It’s all too commonplace. And, from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t seem to work. When I think of a BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL, I think of…
12 Beliefs About Goals: Part II
The list—my beliefs about finding success in the goal-chasing process—continues. I know you’ve been waiting with bated breath. But first a quick message from our sponsor: Get started on your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL…today! This past weekend…
12 Beliefs About Goals: Part I
This weekend, I have a keynote presentation: a BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL that I’ve held since 2015. My tendency when preparing for a talk is to dive deep into research-mode. It’s both anxiety-provoking and exhausting. My conclusion: it’s a fear-based behavior. The other day, as I was deep in the weeds…
Wake Up—It’s 2023!
So, you’ve had a desire to do something for a looooong time. And, before you know it, years have passed and you’re still sitting with the same desire. It happens a lot. And, that’s where we’re starting this year…
A Year In Review: Lessons From a Weekly Newsletter
Yesterday, I did a little data gathering: I went through each newsletter I sent over the past year to better understand my process—my journey. As things currently sit, just from these newsletters, I wrote approximately…
What Keeps You From Sitting Down?
I’ve been playing a little game with myself lately. Or, should I say, poking fun at myself by calling out a Force that lives within me. There’s something I need or want to do—typically something that’s related to making progress on a goal—but when the time approaches to do that thing, my mind immediately starts…
What’s Your Left Foot Doing?
I’ll be quick. Here’s the thing: change is hard. And, as Michael Bungay Stanier says, “hard change needs a new operating system. Despite striving for change, a lot of the time—without even realizing it—we’re incredibly committed to maintaining the status quo. Here’s a visual to chew on…
Sweat Leads to Change
There were 24 sets of eyes on me. At that point in the training, complete strangers. “Will you stand up with me, Reed, and show me what you were doing?” No part of me wanted to stand up. I wanted to stay in my comfort zone: sitting down, elbows and arms firmly planted…
Whispering Sweet Nothings: Name It To Tame It
Sometimes those closest to us tell us the things we need—but maybe don’t want—to hear. “Reed, you play the victim role a lot.” I think that’s why I fell in love with Julie—the sweet nothings she’s been whispering in my ear since 2018…
A 10-Year Brew in Bergen: Keep Your Priorities Straight
In 2019, Gustav Iden won the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Nice, France. Two years later, in 2021, he won the race again in St. George, UT. Meanwhile, his compatriot, Kristian Blummenfelt, was also racking up accomplishments: the 2020 Triathlon Olympic Champion, a world best time for the Ironman that same year, and then he was crowned…
Maybe When We Let Go, Our Goals Come Closer
I’m not really sure how to make sense of this: I keep seeing bald eagles. And, I’m seeing them at really weird times. Times when I feel incredibly present—in the moment—with what I’m doing. And, what I’m doing is…
GPS Required: Stick Through the Reliance
Ezekiel walked into daycare by himself last Thursday. That day I also made it to his daycare, and then to my new office, without the help of GPS. Our recent move back to Minnesota from Florida has been much easier than the reverse direction we went in 2 years ago…
When You Wake Up in the Morning, It’s A Quarter to Five…
I get overwhelmed when I buy a new toothbrush—the wall of options paralyzes me. Geez, should I get the hard or soft bristle one? Oh, wait, there’s a medium one!? That one has different colored bristles—maybe that’s better!? Gosh, there’s one…
Little Consistent Steps…
I started doing a little math this week. Running 4 miles takes me roughly 30 minutes. In the scheme of 24 hours, that’s not a lot of time. A little bit of work for a little bit of time. Little consistent steps…
Assess Yourself to Grow
This past Saturday I did something out of the ordinary for me. It was spurred by something I’ve learned about myself: I’ve got some work to do when it comes to developing a growth mindset. Namely, I have a habit of…
WARNING: Zebra Crossing Ahead
About 7 years ago, I was biking home from work while it was raining. I took a right turn on a section of road with a white-striped crosswalk—what I just learned is called a zebra crossing. As my back tire hit a white painted section of the road…
Go Streaking: It’s a Powerful Way to Create a Body of Work
In January, I committed to a weekly newsletter/blog. It’s now September. My typical routine is to start noodling on an idea on Monday, sit down at my computer on Tuesday morning to get a first draft done, and then use Wednesday…
Change Reminds Me of a Scene From Ace Ventura
I’ve been thinking a lot about change lately. Yesterday, I facilitated a session for an organization that is going through a massive strategy change. Over two years ago, the world changed. As a result, the business had to change. This change…