43,252,003,274,489,856,000 Combinations
Yesterday, Julie asked me: “What’s something you’re really proud of?” Without hesitation: “Learning how to solve the Rubik’s Cube.” I learned how to solve it while I was in graduate school. Perhaps it was a form of procrastination. I remember a graduate school colleague…
Five Tiny Little Actions Done On Repeat For Years
A number of years ago, I came across a swimming video breaking down the breaststroke pullout. I’ve always loved the details of swimming, and this drill series gave me details to obsess over. To this day…
The Only Purpose of Starting is to Finish
I got sober when I was 20. November 1, 2000 was an incredibly important marker in my life. November 1, 2000 was my start. For years I focused on what I needed to do on a daily basis—habits—to keep building an important body of work. I stopped for one day…
Goals Are All About Perspective & Grace
What rule are you applying to your goal? “My Olympic coach told me after a particularly challenging workout where I could not hit my splits before going to the Rio Olympics that it was okay. It’s the rule of…”
Failure IS an Option
A couple of weeks ago, I worked with a team on their individual and collective BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOALS. After the first session, the leader pulled his team together and said: Here’s the deal: you get to determine where you set your goal. It’s important to know that no matter where you set it, there is a good chance…
Stop Thinking. Just Do!
This week’s blog has been a challenge. I’ve been thinking a lot about it. So much so that, by my standards, I’m a day late. I’m big on routine. And, when routine works out, I usually spend Wednesday mornings tidying up the week’s blog and then hit publish.Yesterday morning, though, I still…
Learn Like a Kid
This past Sunday was my second Father’s Day. I’ve played a lot of roles in life—being a dad is the best one! I woke up to a poster that my wife had created for me along with an arrangement of gifts. Two identical gifts stood out and made me smile ear to ear: water guns with the following inscriptions…
Self-Belief is Potent: I Am…
I believe I can break 5 minutes for a 500-yard freestyle. For me, it’s my 4-minute mile. This goal nestled itself in my brain in 2006. I was 26 years old at the time and I fell in love with long-distance swimming. For years, I’ve obsessed over this goal: 20 lengths of the pool holding at or below the following splits…
You’ll Never Achieve the Impossible, Ricky Bobby
Go slow to go fast. Yeah, right! In 2022, we’re all Ricky Bobbys. A quick-fix solution to everything is our…well…fix. In today’s society — where there is something on the market to fix any of our ailments or problems — why would you ever take it slow? Go slow to go fast!?! Yeah, right!
Line Up Your Next Success
I don’t remember who. I don’t remember when. And, I don’t remember where. And, in today’s data-driven and scientifically-based approach to working out, what I’m about to say may not even line up with what we’re supposed to do…
Whether It’s the Chicken or the Egg, You Better Have Some Grits
Which came first: the chicken or the egg? The chicken? The egg It’s an old riddle and you must have a lot of confidence in me if you thought I was going to finally answer it for you. To which came first, I really don’t know. Stick with me, though, because you may find out…
Operation: Get Rejected
I hired a coach. And, he’s not cheap: $1000/month with a requirement of 6-months of coaching. “Why are you telling me this, Reed?” Because I have a BIG GOAL. I have a really SCARY GOAL. And, this one is HAIRIER than…
A BIG GOAL Mixed With a Little Pronoia
A few weeks ago, my friend, Greg, sent me a list—103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known—created by Kevin Kelly, founding Executive Editor of Wired, with the following message: “A good list to start your day.” Little does Greg know, I’ve started my day with the list every day since then. I should probably tell him! Earlier this week…
Fail Up!
May 7th, 2022. The Ironman World Championships in St. George, UT. Up at 3:30am. 2.4 miles of swimming in 60 degree water. 112 miles of biking with over 7000 feet of elevation change. 26.2 miles of running in 90 degree heat. 13 hours. 57 minutes. 38 seconds. To bed at 11:30pm. By my wife’s standards…
Play Within Your Goal: Part II
We all have a quit point. When doing things that are BIG, SCARY, and HAIRY, you’re bound to run into that point. Unfortunately, Mother Nature designed us this way. But, what if you could keep going just a little bit longer—do more than you think you can—before getting to that point? And, what if it could actually be fun. It turns out you can…
Play Within Your Goal: Part I
It’s time to nerd out a bit. On play research. I’m a huge proponent of play. It’s helped me tremendously. However, lately, I haven’t felt too playful. And, as a result, I’ve felt a bit stuck within my BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL. Like any good nerd, I did what feels playful to me…
Personality: A Key Piece of the Puzzle to Achieving Your Goals
The Hogan Personality Assessment helps you understand three core aspects about you and your story: 1) How your personality traits and your go-to behaviors impact the way you approach your goals on a day-to-day, week-to-week, and month-to-month basis; 2) How certain behaviors and ways of thinking may interfere with…
Weekly Swim Workout #15
There are two goals within this portion of the Main Set are 1) hold consistent times throughout your P500 125s and your P200 125s despite how the distance is broken up and 2) your overall times for all of the P200 125s should be faster than your overall times for all of the P500 125s.
Remain Rational: Tame Your Emotions to Achieve Your Goals
On Monday, I was ready to give up on my BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL. Because it’s BIG. It’s SCARY. And because this one seems particularly HAIRY. Needless to say, my emotions were having their way with me and my goal on Monday. My attention was certainly “pulled this way and that.” Emotions are…
Three Ingredients to Achieve Your Goals
I had a graduate school professor who always reminded me, “Getting over inertia is the hardest part.” It is. It’s easy to stay the same. It’s easy to do nothing. It’s easy to remain unchanged. But, in the long run, that can make things really hard. The story you want to tell…