Five Tiny Little Actions Done On Repeat For Years

A number of years ago, I came across a swimming video breaking down the breaststroke pullout. I’ve always loved the details of swimming, and this drill series gave me details to obsess over.

To this day, every time I do a breaststroke pullout in swim practice or in a swim competition, this video pops into my head.

Tight streamline position.

Separate the hands.

Strong dolphin kick.

Pull with your arms.

Tuck ‘em under while dropping your head and arching your back.

When done correctly, you rocket forward and quickly approach the middle of the pool.

Five tiny little actions done on repeat for years.

On Wednesday at swim practice, we did a hard set of descending IMs—one length of each swim stroke. The hardest part of this event is the transition from backstroke to breaststroke. You go from a leg-driven stroke—one that is oxygen-depleting—into a stroke that requires significant underwater work.

When your lungs are screaming for a breath, you have to push back against that urge in order to be effective underwater.

After the set was over, the coach was standing over my lane.

“Reed, your breaststroke underwater pullouts are amazing.”

It caught me completely off-guard.

Obsessing over the details for years—consistently attending to the little things—had finally paid off.

I looked at him and simply said, “Thank you. I’ve been working really hard on them for a long time.”

It was one of the most rewarding pieces of feedback that I have ever received.

Progress takes time.

Change takes time.

Improvement takes time.

Success takes time.

But, with time, we can give ourselves the freedom to pay attention to the little things that we are doing on a regular basis.

We can obsess over the details—on repeat.

And, in doing so, we allow ourselves to get lost in the process.

When we lose ourselves in the process, the outcomes become irrelevant.

We simply find satisfaction in the doing.

But, here’s the ironic part: in approaching our goals this way, the outcomes eventually take care of themselves.

We eventually get the reward— “the feeling that we have a greater command of reality, other people, and ourselves.”

Whatever you’re working toward, find your detail to obsess over.

Do that thing today.

Do it tomorrow.

And the next day.

Do it for a week.

Do it for a month.

Do it for a year.

Do it for two years.

One day your coach will be standing over your lane saying you’re amazing!

Learn to love the process!


43,252,003,274,489,856,000 Combinations


The Only Purpose of Starting is to Finish