Weekly Swim Workout #14
The Main Set consists of three components—The Eyes, The Body, and The Stinger—which are intended to be done without breaks between the components. The set within The Eyes are to help you focus on fast swimming with an extra focus on your wall work and your breakouts. The set within The Body is to help build…
Want to Improve Your Life Satisfaction and Wellbeing?
“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… the best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. To have a good life, it is not enough to remove what is wrong with it. We also need a positive goal: otherwise why keep going?”
On Monday, I picked up 100 copies of What’s Your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL? from a printer I’ve been working with in Naples, FL since November. I sent my wife, Julie — the person who encouraged me to tell a better story when I met her in 2018 — a picture of me holding the book. “How’s it FEEL?!” she asked…
Weekly Swim Workout #13
This workout is a grind. The primary purpose is to help you zero in on your 500 pacing (P500), and then aim to maintain that pacing as the fatigue builds up throughout the Main Set. In distance swimming, it’s easy to focus on…
Weekly Swim Workout #12
Flow Drill: The focus here is on body undulation. You want to aim to get your whole body into the movement of the butterfly stroke. On the surface of the water, with your arms shoulder-width apart (think 1 o’clock and 11 o’clock), work to undulate your body from your fingertips to your toes. Start the undulating motion by focusing on…
Weekly Swim Workout #11
The pacing for each “400” stays consistent throughout each Round of the Main Set; however, the 400 is broken up in each successive Round, with the final Round consisting of 8 X 50. The purpose of the “400” pull is to find your pacing after hard, sprint freestyle swimming. This can be especially hard as the fatigue starts to set in.
Weekly Swim Workout #10
This is the primary focus on this week’s workout. Figure out your Goal Interval by taking your P500 pace (your 50 pace for your goal 500) and multiply it by two. Then, add around 5 to 7 seconds to that time. Each Round, you’ll add an additional 100 so that by the time you get to Round 5, you’ll complete 5 X 100.
The Blips You Experience When Pursuing Your Goals Don’t Alter Your Outcome
This past weekend, I did something different. Something my body wasn’t used to. Something that seemed harmless at the time. My brother-in-law was showing me his new exercise room set-up. I was particularly intrigued by a contraption I had never seen before: an inversion table. This table allows you to hang upside down and can be used to promote recovery. Curious about all things fitness…
Don’t You Dare Set a New Year’s Resolution
If you don’t have a sense of purpose. Or, as Robert Greene calls it, your Life’s Task. If you’re a Simon Sinek kind of person, your Just Cause and your Why. Because if you don’t have a sense of purpose when chasing after your goals—this year’s New Year’s Resolution—you’re setting yourself up for failure. In 2022, approach the New Year differently…
Download: What’s Your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL?: Start the Story You’ve Always Wanted to Tell — an ebook for $4.99.
“If I were to write a book, this would be the book that I’d write.” That’s the first line I wrote in my journal when I decided to turn a workbook I had developed for my coaching clients into a book. For years, I’d wanted to write a book. It was a story I wanted to tell…
Weekly Swim Workout #9
Pretty simple here. This is just good, hard swimming. There is ample rest after each 100, so use it wisely, especially as the number of 100s increases. We often find easy sculling or double-arm backstroke to the middle of the pool and back a great way to actively recover rather than just hanging on the wall, letting your muscles seize. In an ideal world, you’ll…
Routines Matter in Chasing Goals
We were just home for the holidays. It was the first time my entire family had gotten together in over two years. As is natural during these kinds of gatherings, we had lots of catching up to do. At one point my sister-in-law came over to me and told me that she and my brother were signed up for a half marathon in March. I was thrilled. I love it when people go after hard things…
Want to Tell a Better Story?
I write a lot about goals. I also write a lot about the process. I believe setting a BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL—and then continuing to do that over and over after you see the first one through—is one of the most important things you can do in life. Doing so can help you tell the story you want to be telling—the one you know...
Weekly Swim Workout #8
The Pre-Set is designed to draw your attention to your kick timing. When swimming freestyle, you should aim for a 6-beat kick: complete 6 kicks per stroke cycle. The first kick—ONE—is a strong down kick that should be timed with the opposite arm entry. For example, the right leg (ONE) would kick…
Weekly Swim Workout #7
The Pre-Set is designed to increase your heart rate while also helping you find your goal 500 pace (P500). In distance swimming, it’s easy to focus on your 100 times—it makes logical sense. However, when swimmers do this, they often slip into pacing that is slower than their goal pace. By the time they hit the 100 marks…
Got a Goal? Embrace Ambiguity at the Outset
Setting an ambitious goal can be so damn easy. Staying on the path to relentlessly chase after that goal, though, can be so damn challenging. And therein lies the deception of goals: we anticipate the goal-chasing process to be as streamlined from the outset as the goal-setting process. The goal-chasing process, though, is…
Weekly Swim Workout #6
The primary Goal of the Main Set is to work on descending pacing throughout the 400s. In total, you’ll swim five 400s; however, 400s #2-#4 are broken up to develop your descending pacing for the final full 400. This workout is designed to encourage mindful swimming with intense focus on pacing…
7-30-90 Day Goals
Identifying your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL is, obviously, an important part of starting to tell the story you’ve always wanted to tell. But, it’s only the first part. While this process takes take, in many ways, setting your goal is often the easiest part. Transforming your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL into a BIG GOAL and achieving it is about taking action…
Do Your Best When You Focus on the Parts
I knew the result before I asked. “Were you bib number 48?” I nodded. “I’m gutted for you, man! We had to disqualify you.” The night before the race, as my wife and I were sitting on the balcony of our hotel, eating our boxed up dinner from the little Italian restaurant we had to abruptly leave because our 10-month old son had passed his witching hour, I got a text message from my coach…
To Change is to Push Against an Incredible Force
A BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL is a funny thing. They’re so easy to set. Pursuing them, though, can leave you feeling like you’re drowning. When the going gets tough, it’s too easy to remind yourself that safety is at the shore of the story you’ve always been telling. All you have to do is…