What’s Your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL? is available for purchase. Order your copy today!!
On Monday, I picked up 100 copies of What’s Your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL? from a printer I’ve been working with in Naples, FL since November. I sent my wife, Julie — the person who encouraged me to tell a better story when I met her in 2018 — a picture of me holding the book.
“How’s it FEEL?!” she asked.
“Eh! (insert shrugging shoulder emoji)” I responded.
And I smile as I write about that moment right now. Because this isn’t the first time to feel “Eh! (insert shrugging shoulder emoji)” about achieving a goal.
I remember a few years ago when I was on the run course of the Florida Ironman, which I had trained over 12 months for, thinking, “Really?!? This is what all the hoopla is about?”
I had a similar feeling when I got into graduate school.
And even when I started my own business.
How’s it feel to achieve a goal: “Eh! (insert shrugging shoulder emoji)”
“Wait?!?” I bet you’re asking yourself, “Shouldn’t this be an uplifting email announcing a book release — about achieving a BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL?”
It is and let me tell you why.
Because the GOAL-CHASING PROCESS is the most wonderful experience in the world. During it, you get to learn deeply about yourself, challenge your worldview, overcome barriers, meet a host of new characters, learn new skills, see your performance incrementally improve, experience states of extreme focus and flow, and repeatedly feel like you are achieving your potential as a human.
That GOAL-CHASING PROCESS is where the magic lives. And that is exactly what this book is designed to do — help YOU discover the magic by setting a BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL and transforming it into a BIG, SCARY GOAL by focusing on the little things that will lead YOU to finally achieve your BIG GOAL and tell the story you’ve always wanted to tell.
And now, I get to tell the story of writing a book — a book designed to help others achieve things in life they’ve always wanted to tell — and all the things I learned during the process. Similar to the stories that came with training for and completing an Ironman, the work and experiences required to get into graduate school, and the crazy ups and downs of running a business.
The goal is just the conduit to enhancing your story.
The process is where the enhancement — the satisfaction and wellbeing — happens.
And then, we have to move on to the next BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL.
I think the curator of @deepthinkingdaily, Cic Mellance, sums this up best:
“I think the big lie in life is that there is this coasting period ahead, that sometime in the future we can turn on pilot mode. We think once a particular hurdle is jumped or once we finally check off all of life’s problematic to dos, then it will be smooth sailing. The reality is that this point doesn’t exist. We have to learn that what we are actually seeking is the high we get while we are running, not the rest or reward afterwards.”
So, what am I running to next? What’s my next BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL?
Standing on a stage to give a keynote presentation, starting a webinar training series (you’ll be the first to know) to help individuals get started on identifying their BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL, and continuing to work with clients to achieve their goals and transform their lives.
As for you, it’s time to get your copy of What’s Your BIG, SCARY, HAIRY GOAL? and identify the GOAL that will help you tell the story you’ve always wanted to tell.
Then, enjoy the process. It’s magical — and full of stories!