Reed Steele Reed Steele

Weekly Swim Workout #5

The Main Set is comprised of 6 Rounds with the goal being to match your 200 IM Target Time each Round on the Build-An-IM. Each Round, progressively add in an additional 25 of a 200 IM. The goal is to match you Target Time each Round.

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Flip the Script: Spend Your Time Creating Rather Than Consuming

“Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote a fiction book!?!” I can’t remember if I picked his book up to see what it was about. I just remember walking out almost immediately after, completely abandoning my effort to find a new book. I’m obsessed with books. I love consuming what other people create. I love being…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Build Community by Doing Long, Hard, Boring, & Monotonous Work

It's a silly workout. It’s long. It’s hard. It’s boring. It’s monotonous. And, I love it. Well, in line with Tony Horton, “I hate it…but I love it.” I made the announcement in the early part of November that our Masters swim team, T2 Aquatics in Naples, FL, would be doing the 2nd “Annual” 100 X 100 Thanksgiving workout…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Be Crazy Dedicated

I got the email on Sunday night: “We’ve been watching the developing Topical Storm Eta, and we have decided that we intend to be open tomorrow morning. As we continue to monitor, it may be such that you hear from us again before morning. If we need to cancel, we will send you an email by 4:45am…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

What Story Can We Be Telling Ourselves?

I came across Mark Twain’s quote the other day and smiled. I’d seen it before, but sometimes we need to see, hear, or experience something multiple times—or at different points in our lives—before it has an impact on us. I’ve worked through a lot of anxiety in my life. Anxiety that resulted from imagining “terrible things in my life.” And that’s the insidious nature of anxiety…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Explore Your Life’s Peaks and Valleys

In November of 2018, I was having a conversation with my then girlfriend — now wife— as we were sitting at a tiny kitchen table in a tiny one-bedroom apartment in St. Paul, MN. We had both recently completed our first Ironman triathlon — a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and a 26.2 mile run — and we were in a bit of a searching period. We didn’t know how to fill our days or what to chase after. “What’s your next Ironman?” I asked her…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Which Pain Do You Want to Endure?

This is a question that I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. I have tendency to choose the easy path. I’d much rather put something off. I prefer to coast. And what I’ve finally realized—and its only taken 41 years to figure out—is that choosing…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Weekly Swim Workout #4

The pattern of the Main Set is as follows: 4 X 25 IM order swim by round, 4 X 25 IM order kick by round, 4 X 50 freestyle drill, 200 freestyle. The goal of the set is to find a 200 pace during a fully broken 200 (8 X 25 with flip) and then hold that pace throughout the set as you build up to a full 200 freestyle.

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Weekly Swim Workout #3

Nothing fancy here; just lots of leg work, which is easy to neglect as so much focus in swimming goes into stroke technique. The goal here is to alternate between fast kick and recovery kicking while progressively increasing the distance of the fast kicking. Your fast kicking times…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Whether We’re “In Motion” or “Taking Action”, We Risk Failing

This week, I revisted James Clear’s Atomic Habits. I first read his book when I started my business in January 2020. I wish his ideas had stuck right then and there. Had they stuck, I would have saved myself a lot of time—free of the paralyzation that stemmed from constantly trying to…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

What Choice Do You Make in Decisive Moments?

This morning I was reading James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits, and came across the above diagram with the following caption: “The difference between a good day and a bad day is often a few productive and healthy choices made at decisive moments. Each one is like a fork in…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Excuses Will Always Be Waiting

I was looking forward to today. Saturday: a day I’ve looked forward to for a long time. Over the years, Saturdays have become a day to keep my same early morning routine while not having the pressure to get to work by a set hour. As an endurance athlete who…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Weekly Swim Workout #2

The purpose of this set is to work on controlled distance swimming early on where it’s easy to burn the “wick” too early and not have anything left to burn at the end of the set. The goal is to descend the first 3 500s on an interval of 6:30, and then descend and compare the next three…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

In Our Quick-Fix Society, Try This Magic Pill to Achieve Your Goals

The other day I came across an article outlining categories of professionalism for writers on Medium. There wasn’t a category for me. And, as I was reading the article, I knew there wouldn’t—and shouldn’t—be one for me. And, no, it’s not because my level of professionalism exceeds…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Weekly Swim Workout #1

Fast 100s: Scare yourself a bit on these first two 100s. “Can I keep this pace up for the whole workout?” “Shoot, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do 8 of these.” Allow yourself to go all out early on and trust that your body will…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

To Achieve Your Goals, Remain Rational

Emotional are clouding your perspective. Remain objective…“We reason and plan to achieve a goal, but in the heat of action we become emotional and lose perspective…The extended vision that rationality brings us is often eclipsed by…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Start Small

Have a dream. Set a goal. Then, start small. The big stuff—the work that you have to do—will take care of itself. You’ve already been doing that stuff for a long time. The little things—the work that you want to do—need time to develop. Habits need to form…

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

You Are Your Habits

Change your habits to change your story.

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” — Lao Tzu

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Mastery: Where Do You Use Time as Your Magic Ingredient?

“When it comes to mastering a skill, time is the magic ingredient. Assuming your practice proceeds at a steady level, over days and weeks certain elements of the skill become hardwired. Slowly, the entire skill becomes internalized, part of your nervous system.” — Robert Greene, author of Mastery

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Reed Steele Reed Steele

Persistent Early Morning Hopes

The alarm goes off at 4:20am every morning. And, every morning, I have two persistent early morning hopes: That I’ll pop out of bed and be MOTIVATED and INSPIRED. It never happens…

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