Change Reminds Me of a Scene From Ace Ventura

I’ve been thinking a lot about change lately.

Yesterday, I facilitated a session for an organization that is going through a massive strategy change.

Over two years ago, the world changed. As a result, the business had to change.

This change has affected a lot of people.

It’s a process all of them are working through.

I’ve also been thinking about change on a personal level.

My little family is in the thick of it. After a two year exploration stint in Florida, we’ve decided to move back to Minnesota.

Even though we’re going back home, the change process doesn’t feel any easier this time.

So, all of this got me thinking: What perfectly captures change?

Eureka! (If nothing else, hopefully this adds a little levity to your day)

At Some Point, You’re Gonna Get Stuck

And, when you’re stuck, it feels a bit like being inside the rhino.

Your fan is going to break.

It’s going to get hot.

You’re going want to come up for air.

Your escape hatch will malfunction.

And, your emotions will run the gamut.

But, through it all, there is always a tiny little hole of hope.

You just have to find it—and then pivot.

I. Explore Your Motivation

If you’re stuck—pushing back against change—ask yourself the hard questions:

  • What is my vision?

  • What does success look like?

  • What are my values?

  • What are my goals, my dreams, and my desires?

The key, when stuck, is to shape—or reshape—your commitment by creating awareness of where you want to go.

In other words, find (or re-find) that tiny little hole of hope.

II. Then, Develop Discrepancy

Continue asking yourself the hard questions:

  • What are my current behaviors or thoughts right now?

  • What am I doing or thinking that is making me feel stuck?

  • How do my behaviors or thoughts align with my ultimate goals?

What you’ll usually find is that you’re stuck because there is some sort of mismatch between your goals and your current behaviors or thoughts.

The discovery of this is empowering.

In a sense, you re-commit to the change because you have clarity on what you need to do or think to continue with the forward progress.

You reignite your change talk.

And, although the barriers and challenges still exist—yes, you’re still going to have to push through the rhino—you have a newfound energy to get out.

Before you know it, you’ll flop on the ground like Jim Carrey…

…naked and completely free!


Go Streaking: It’s a Powerful Way to Create a Body of Work


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