Does Old You Hold Back New You?

As we develop, we learn ways of being in this world. Often these ways of being, at one point, help us.

These ways of being…

…feel safe…

…feel known…

…and feel comfortable.

Heck, these ways of being got us to where we are, right?!?

Why in the world would we want to let go of them?

Maybe It’s Just Me But I Sure Have a Hard Time Letting Go of Past Me

WARNING: This one feels particularly vulnerable.

If you know me, you know I love exercising: swimming, biking, running, rock climbing, etc.

If it involves a physical challenge and an elevated heart rate, I’m in.

This hasn’t been the case for the past year or so, though.

I’ve been doing it—but, it’s felt forced.

I’ll get amped up about a challenge—maybe another Ironman, maybe a swimming challenge, maybe a marathon—and then I’ll fizzle out.

And, it’s been hard.

“But, this is who I am.”

“This is what I do.”

“This is what I stand for.”

But, then I feel these newer pulls.

I love parenting and I love family life.

And what has been for so long—hours spent exercising—pulls me away from what’s a new and evolving part of me.

I also absolutely love my work.

And, again, what has been for so long—those hours spent exercising—pulls me away and drains me from focusing on a new passion.

We Have a Finite Wick

And, here’s what I’m discovering…

I haven’t exercised since May 16

Courtesy of a 15-mile bike ride with Ezekiel in tow, I did something to my right knee.

And what a gift!

My mornings are spent with Henry while I devour books before Ezekiel and Julie spill out of their rooms for a family breakfast.

My days at work are focused, my business is expanding and growing, and I’m having to pull myself away from the joy of work at 4:30pm to pick up Ezekiel.

My evenings are spent playing—bubbles, balls, walks, rocks—outside after dinner before we all wind down.

All things that my new self wants to be doing.

It’s all a tradeoff, right?

Because, we all have a finite wick.

Your old self got you to where you are; however, it may not get you to where you want to go.

“But, this is who I am.”

“This is what I do.”

“This is what I stand for.”

What’s the energy required to attend to your old self?

“But, this is who I am.”

“This is what I do.”

“This is what I stand for.”

And, what’s that energy doing to prevent you from being a new self?

“But, this is who I am.”

“This is what I do.”

“This is what I stand for.”

As the saying goes, “what got you here, isn’t going to get you there.”

Onward & Upward.


Who Are You Being?


I’m Stuck!