I am.

Nothing happens by simply thinking about it. Nothing. The only thing that makes us move forward is action. Thought can drive action. But, thought alone will do nothing for progress. We must put thought to the test. 

But I want to be a writer. 

But I want to be a speaker. 

But I want to go out on my own. 

But I want to learn Spanish. 

But I want to run a half marathon. 

But I want to be an Ironman. 

But I want to be healthier...fitter...stronger. 

But I want to be [fill in the blank].

Embrace the process... 

There’s only one thing will get us there. Reps. Rep after rep after rep. We have to sit down and do the work. We have to take the risk to put ourselves out there. We have to challenge comfort zones. We have to do the things that we don’t want to do. We have to get up early. We have to take action. We have to embrace the grind. Living inside our heads with wishes and dreams and goals and fantasies and plans does nothing. We can be there. We can dream. But we can’t live there. We must put dreams to the test. 

But I know I can be a writer. 

But I know I can a speaker. 

But I know I can go out on my own. 

But I know I can learn Spanish. 

But I know I can run a half marathon. 

But I know I can be an Ironman. 

But I know I can be healthier...fitter...stronger. 

But I know I can be [fill in the blank].

Embrace the process...

But it’s uncomfortable. I don’t like how this feels. I don’t feel like I’m making progress. I’m not seeing any gains. I don’t get the point of this activity. This rep. This exercise. This writing. This task. I don’t get it. I want to see the results. I want to know it’s leading somewhere. I want to know that it’s paying off. I don’t like putting in work without getting rewarded. I just want it to happen. 

But I wish I was a writer. 

But I wish I was a speaker. 

But I wish I was out on my own. 

But I wish I could learn Spanish. 

But I wish I could run a half marathon. 

But I wish i could be an Ironman. 

But I wish I could be healthier...fitter...stronger. 

But I wish I could [fill in the blank].

Embrace the process... 

Waiting for inspiration won’t make it happen. Waiting for the right time won’t make it happen. Waiting to get the certification, the degree, the bike, the shoes, the computer, the coach, the book won’t make it happen. Waiting will do nothing but keep thoughts in our heads. Waiting will do nothing but keep goals unchecked. Waiting will do nothing but let dreams be simply…dreams. We must start. Now. 

But I don’t feel like a writer. 

But I don’t feel like a speaker. 

But I don’t feel like I’m out on my own. 

But I don’t feel like I’m  learning Spanish. 

But I don’t feel like a half marathoner. 

But I don’t feel like an Ironman. 

But I don’t feel healthier...fitter...stronger.

But I don’t feel like a [fill in the blank].


Embrace the process... 

I want to be done. I want to  be doing something else. I want to be out of here. I want to be doing something easy. I want to be doing something known. I want to be in my comfort zone. I want to sit back and relax and just be. It hurts: my head, my muscles, my heart, my soul. It all hurts because it doesn’t feel like it’s happening. It feels...hard...like a battle...like a struggle. It feels like a struggle with me. I don’t want to struggle with me any more. 

Fuck being  a writer. 

Screw being a speaker. 

Forget being out on my own. 

I don’t care about learning Spanish. 

No. I don’t want to run an half marathon. 

Pfffff…an Ironman is for other people. 

I’m fine. Healthy enough. Fit enough. Strong enough.

I don’t want to be a [fill in the blank].

Embrace the process…

It’s not flowing. It feels like a waste of time. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s not going anywhere. This is going to be junk. I should just quit. I’ll never make it. I knew I never should have started this. I knew it would lead to nothing. I knew it was a pipe dream. 

But I want to…


I just looked up...

Holy cow...I’m done...

I did...


I don’t know. 

I just ran with a mantra: Embrace the process... 

And I just did consistently.

And, guess what...

I am.

Embrace the process…


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